mercredi 26 avril 2017


Eric Gahagan is a father, a physical therapist and an enthusiastic fan and writer of comics. His love of comics began with the 1990’s era Amazing-Spiderman and really never stopped. Realizing that the medium of comics had so much un-tapped potential for fantastic storytelling he began writing comic scripts in 2015.

Child, Gregory Floch dislikes. He does not like how objects are placed on desks, tables. So he moves the cheerfully, replace them.
  This will cause the fad a few years later on the difficult and strange way of BD (after staying in school Emile Cohl, a sort of mental asylum of aspiring artists) and he made sure to support his large defects aesthetic and perverse penchant for abstraction.
A trial run is successful with the publisher "YIL edition" comic for "The Cursed pen", and few shorts, and always a funny style, sometimes painted, sometimes not, which make him say, henceforth, he loves, loves the mess on his desk because it is there, really there and he saw or elsewhere, um ... um, he never liked to clean ...;) ...!

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start bonus

here a start bonus with the draw of Devin townsend the music metalord who's am a fan 's for you and, just after, mechanika...